Grampian Air Rifle Club

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Grampian Air Rifle Club

Post by Brimfire » Sun May 09, 2021 3:33 pm

Grampian Air Rifle Club was founded in 2006 to cater for airgun users in the North East of Scotland. We welcome anyone enthusiastic about airguns be they young, old, male, female, hunters, plinkers, HFT'rs, collectors, pest controllers or paper punchers. We don't differentiate between our members and their particular airgunning preferences as our Denwood (Aberdeen) and Waulkmill (Turriff) premises are large enough for everyone to do their own thing (with the obvious exception of hunting) on our 10, 25 and 50m ranges and two HFT courses.

GARC has a strong HFT tradition and we host National competition rounds at our Waulkmill courses but we're just as enthusiastic about our groups that simply meet for some relaxed shooting and friendly chat. We also have a growing 10m contingent and more than a few collectors of classic and interesting airguns.

We're always willing to tell you about the activities we offer, the ins and outs of airgunning safely and responsibly, and provide the help you need to find the place that's right for you.

We're especially happy to welcome new members who are interested in joining in with club activities, helping us organise events or excursions and being part of our community. More information can be found here - ... R0RumTZM2d
Stirred, not shaken.

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